2024 OECD Global Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice


Miranda Jolicoeur


Director, Justice, Rights, and Security Office, Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance


Miranda currently serves in USAID/Washington as the Director of the Justice, Rights, and Security Office, leading USAID’s global policy and programming on Rule of Law, Human Rights, Countering Trafficking in Persons, and Security Sector Reform. Before her assignment in Washington, she served as the Director of USAID’s Office of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In this role, she led USAID’s efforts to re-engage the judiciary following the transition of a new President, prepare for 2023 elections, and led anti-corruption coordination to strengthen policy and programming for the U.S. Embassy. With USAID, she has also served in Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Indonesia, advancing its portfolio on strengthening the rule of law and democracy. Prior to joining USAID, she worked at the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute for Justice on international and domestic rule of law issues, including access to justice and trafficking in persons. She has also served as a pro bono attorney on several international human rights and U.S. domestic immigration cases. Additionally, she worked in Rwanda on legal education and land rights, and in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sri Lanka on conflict and reconciliation portfolios. She has taught a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses focused on the rule of law, human rights, and gender. She holds a JD and a MA in International Politics with a focus on International Development and Conflict from American University. She is a member of the New York State Bar.