2024 OECD Global Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice


Aitor Cubo

Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Parliamentary Relations - Spain

Director-General for Digital Transformation of Justice


Aitor Cubo is Director General for Digital Transformation of Justice, Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Parliamentary Relations since 2020. He originally joined the Inter American Development Bank as Senior Specialist in Digital Government in 2019. Joining the Superior Corps of ICT of the Spanish State Administration in 2006, Aitor Cubo has held roles including Director of the ICT Division at the Ministry for Territorial Policy and the Civil Service (2006-2012) and Deputy Director-General at the Ministry of the Treasury (2014-2019). He holds a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from Complutense University of Madrid and a Master of Science in Psychology from Spain’s National University for Remote Education.