2024 OECD Global Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice


Jin Ho Verdonschot

Legal Aid Board Netherlands

Chief Science Officer


Dr. Jin Ho Verdonschot is Chief Science Officer and Head of the Knowledge Center Legal Aid System at the Dutch Legal Aid Board. The Knowledge Center independently monitors, evaluates and researches the legal aid system in The Netherlands. During the past two decades, Verdonschot has been working on access to justice, legal aid and innovation of justice systems. He has worked as advisor at the highest political and court administration level, as a developer and innovator of justice procedures, as CEO of multinational companies focusing on access to justice tech, and as researcher in academia. He worked in various parts of Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. During his work on justice systems, Verdonschot always took the combined perspectives of citizens and users of justice systems, of the professionals working in it, and of society. These perspectives play an important role in his current work, where he develops feedback loops for the legal aid system in The Netherlands. With the Knowledge Center, he creates structures to collect data about the experiences with legal aid and the justice system, systematically, structurally and longitudinally.