2024 OECD Global Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice


Anne-Lise Bloch

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada

Knowledge Sharing Officer, Democratic & Inclusive Governance


Anne-Lise Bloch is a Knowledge Sharing Officer at the International Development Research Centre, where she works to amplify the impact of IDRC-supported research on climate defenders, climate displacement, forced displacement, grassroots justice, and legal empowerment. She has previously worked as a consultant and legal researcher specializing in international human rights law, corporate accountability, and climate change under international law. Her experience reflects her passion for promoting sustainable development and a just energy transition, ensuring that climate and environmental policies are designed in an inclusive, participatory, and human-rights compliant manner. She holds a Masters in International Law (LL.M.) from the Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland, and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Ottawa.