2024 OECD Global Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice


Guillaume Vieillard

Ministry of Justice, France

Judge, Head of the Institutional and Diplomatic Affairs Office


Guillaume Vieillard is a Judge and holds a PhD in private international law. He is currently the Head of the Institutional and Diplomatic Affairs Office at the Department for European and International Affairs at the Ministry of Justice (France). In this role, he is dealing with international organisations, in particular on the Rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights, as well as with the diplomatic agenda of the Minister of Justice. Previously, he was a judge at the High Court of Cayenne (2018-2021) before joining the Ministry of Justice as Civil Affairs Coordinator for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (2021 - 2022) and then as the Head of Contract Law Office at the Directorate of Civil Affairs (2022 – 2023). In addition, Mr Vieillard worked for more than ten years in Vienna (Austria) for the United Nations as a Legal Counsellor at the secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), then at the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO). He began his career as a lecturer and Deputy Director at the Institute of International Business Law in Cairo (Egypt), a branch of the Universities of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and Paris II Panthéon Assas, after working in a law firm in Sofia (Bulgaria).