2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

Finding pathways for responsible artisanal and industrial cobalt mining: challenges, experiences and ways forward

May 21, 2024 | 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM



Organised by GIZ as implementer of C4D and Resource Matters The ultimate goal of this innovative multi-stakeholder dialogue between key actors of the cobalt supply chain is to facilitate an exchange regarding concerns and priorities along the chain, and solutions to address them. The session assembles private sector representatives, civil society partners and institutional actors both in the artisanal and industrial cobalt mining sector; and proposes a constructive look into each actor´s priorities and expectations, as well as concrete ways forward to a more responsible supply. Speakers: - Nikolaus McLachlan, Cobalt4Development - Jean-Luc Mathey, Cobalt4Development Project Director - Elisabeth Caesens, Executive Director, Resource Matters - Jean Claude Mputu, Spokesperson of the Le Congo N’est Pas A Vendre coalition - Susannah McLaren, Head of Responsible Sourcing and Sustainability, Cobalt Institute - Eric Kalala, General Director, Enterprise Général du Cobalt (EGC) - Dr. Jean Marie Kanda, Membre of Board of the DRC Battery Council, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Advanced Battery Research in the DRC, Professor at the Polytechnic, University of Lubumbashi - Professor Célestin Banza, Unit of Toxicology, University of Lubumbashi Discussants: - Donat Kambola, Initiative pour la Bonne Gouvernance et les Droits de l'Homme - Léonard Yav Zama, LUCHA - Dr. Espérant Mwishamali, Independent researcher Languages: English, French Contacts: sara.nicoletti@resourcematters.org sophie.buecker@giz.de