2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

Trade Policy and Equitable Resource Use: Mitigating Demand and Enhancing Local Value Addition

May 23, 2024 | 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM



Organised by SOMO, Publish What You Pay, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Afrewatch, Bureau d'Etudes Scientifiques et Techniques BEST asbl , Fern, European Environmental Bureau This roundtable convenes to address the global challenge of mineral supply diversification through trade agreements and partnerships with resource-rich countries, focusing on ensuring equitable benefits for producer nations and alleviating the disproportionate environmental and socio-economic burdens due to the material consumption disparity. Discussions will revolve around addressing inequalities in resource use and value addition. Speakers: - Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel - Alejandro Gonzalez, Senior Researcher, SOMO - Elisabetta Sartorel, Policy Officer CRMs, DG INTPA, European Commission - Emmanuel Umpula, Executive Director of the African Natural Resources Watch (AFREWATCH) - Adam Anthony, chair of PWYP Africa Steering Committee Moderator: Johanna Sydow, Head of International Environmental Policy Division, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Contacts: a.gonzalez@somo.nl ltezenas@pwyp.org sydow@boell.de