Community on Smart Data and Digital Technology in EducationWhat is it about?
This Community is a platform organised by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation – CERI to exchange knowledge and information about the topics of Smart Data and Digital Technology in Education. Digitalisation is transforming societies, providing new opportunities to improve education in the classroom, enhance the management of education systems, but also consider innovative models of delivery. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and cast a spotlight on the transformative role of digitalisation in education. From the public provision of digital learning infrastructure to issues of governance, regulations, and public-private relationships through to developing teachers’ competencies, countries have the opportunity to reconsider their education policies. However, the crisis has also shown that many systems still wrestle with the question of how best to harness the benefits of educational data and digital technology whilst avoiding potential pitfalls.
This Community will help countries navigate the rapidly evolving technology landscape and plan sustainable strategies about the digitalisation of education. By reporting on several OECD projects related to digitalisation in education, it will support policymakers, researchers, experts, and education stakeholders in keeping abreast of technology developments and harnessing the digitalisation of their education systems by engaging in strategic discussions about the use of data and digital technology in the classroom and about the policies that best support it. It will also provide countries with many peer-learning opportunities to anticipate and address policy needs in this area.