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Future, Renewal and Digitalisation: Digitalisation Strategy for Primary and Secondary Education...
Vi opplever endringer der jobber forsvinner og folk får hverdagen snudd opp ned. Det gjør oss usikre. Men vi opplever også enklere hverdager med nye tjenester og velferdsløsninger vi ikke har hatt...
H.R.1816 - Information Transparency & Personal Data Control Act (117th Congress, 2021-2022)
Handlingsplan for teknologi i undervisningen (Action Plan for Technology)
Handlingsplanen sætter fokus på at styrke teknologiforståelsen hos danske børn, unge og voksne og forbedre brugen af it i undervisningen på alle uddannelsesniveauer.
Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework
Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework seeks to position Ireland as a digital leader, driving and enabling digital transformation across the economy and society. It is set out across...
Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für Bildung und Forschung in der Schweiz (Digitisation...
Die Digitalisierung verändert Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt rasant und hat einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf den Strukturwandel und das Wirtschaftswachstum. Kaum ein Wirtschaftssektor bleibt von diesem...
Higher educational institutions digitization evaluation in Latvia. Final report (Augstākās...
Digitālo tehnoloģiju izmantošanai studijās ir divi galvenie virzieni: digitālu mācību metožu izmantošana studiju procesā, piemēram, audiovizuāli lekciju materiāli, digitāli testi, un tehnoloģiju...
Implementation Programme Guide: For the national digital and future skills strategy of South...
This implementation programme guide is the overarching document for the implementation of the National and Future Digital Skills Strategy of South Africa, adopted by the Cabinet of the Republic of...
India Report Digital Education: Remote learning initiatives across India
The India report on Digital Education is an attempt to capture and compile all initiatives taken by the Education departments of States/UTs. The scale of work undertaken by each state/UT will help...
Initiative Digitale Bildung (Digital Education Initiative)
Mit der Initiative Digitale Bildung werden Lernen, Unterrichten, Lehren und Ausbilden über den gesamten Bildungsweg hinweg verbessert, damit sich alle Generationen souverän in der digitalen Welt...
Kompetencje cyfrowe
Dynamicznie rozwijające się technologie cyfrowe są obecne we wszystkich aspektach życia współczesnego człowieka. Umiejętność posługiwania się nimi wywiera silny wpływ na postęp w najważniejszych z...
Korean Digital New Deal (디지털 뉴딜 정책)
Tackle COVID-19 and start a great transformation through Science Technology Innovation: Digital New Deal
Latvia - Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2021
The European Commission has monitored Member States’ progress on digital and published annual Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) reports since 2014. Each year, the reports include country...
Le numérique au service de l’école de la confiance (Digital in the service of the school of trust)
Le système éducatif est engagé dans des transformations pédagogiques et organisationnelles profondes, de l'école maternelle au post-baccalauréat, qui nécessitent de mobiliser l’ensemble des acteurs...
Leading the way into the age of artificial intelligence: Final report of Finland’s Artificial...
Artificial intelligence has been identified as one of the most important technologies of our time. It can create new economic growth and thereby promote wellbeing. Access to more efficient and...
Legislation Related to Artificial Intelligence - National Conference on State Legislatures
Artificial intelligence (AI), the development of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning and decision making, has the potential to transform and...
Lithuania: Country Report on ICT in Education
Key national strategic documents (Lithuania’s Progress Strategy ‘Lithuania 2030’, National Progress Programme 2014–2020 and State Education Strategy 2013–2022) set out goals for the national...
Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Strategy
An analysis of Lithuania’s prospective with Artificial Intelligence systems and presentation of strategic recommendations for government consideration.
Lithuanian Industry Digitisation Roadmap 2019-2030
The national innovation ecosystem is greatly affected by the general business environment in Lithuania. Favourable business conditions make Lithuania a perfect country for investments in digital...
Monitorage de la numérisation dans l’éducation du point de vue des élèves (Monitoring the...
Les principaux résultats de la première série d’enquêtes sur l’état de la numérisation des écoles (jusqu’au degré secondaire II inclus). Réalisée en octobre et en novembre 2020, l’enquête s’inscrit...
Monitorage de la numérisation dans l’éducation du point de vue des élèves: deuxième enquête...
Ce rapport complémentaire au Staff Paper 22 du CSRE «Monitorage de la numérisation dans l’éducation du point de vue des élèves » présente les résultats de la deuxième enquête menée au printemps...
National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2021 - 2025 - Türkiye
The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (NAIS) was prepared in line with the Eleventh Development Plan and the Presidential Annual Program for 2021. The Strategy determines the measures that...
National Blockchain Roadmap: Progressing towards a blockchain-empowered future
The Australian Government has engaged with industry and researchers to develop the National Blockchain Roadmap to highlight blockchain’s potential and some of the opportunities that exist....
National Education Technology Plan. Conclusions
The timing has never been better for using technology to enable and improve learning at all levels, in all places, and for people of all backgrounds. From the modernization of E-rate to the...
Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (National plan for digital education)
Il Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale è il documento di indirizzo del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca per il lancio di una strategia complessiva di innovazione della scuola...
Plan Nacional de Competencias Digitales (National Plan for Digital Skills)
La rápida transformación digital de la economía y la sociedad ha convertido a las competencias digitales en herramientas básicas para poder aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece desde el punto de...
Plan national pour un numérique inclusif (The French National Plan for Digital Inclusion)
Aborder les enjeux de l’inclusion numérique suppose de poser un diagnostic précis et complet sur les usages numériques des Français et les difficultés qu’ils peuvent rencontrer dans la maîtrise des...
Policy initiatives for Lithuania
AI Strategy, Guidelines of Unbiased Algorithms, Law on Road Traffic Safety.
Portugal INCoDe.2030: National Digital Competence Initiative
Even though Portugal is close to the European median in terms of digital competences (15th in the DESI 2017 Index, Digital Economy and Society Index of the European Commission; Figure 1), it...
Portugal’s Action Plan for Digital Transition
ln the current age of the fourth industrial revolution, with increasing Digitization of the society and the economy, Portugal' s digital transition is imperative, allowing the country to become more...
Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning: Building educator competencies in...
The purpose of this Framework is to provide guidelines for professional development, specifically in order to ensure competent educators who “use ICTs to enhance teaching and learning” and leaders...
Promoting measures to utilize cutting-edge technology to support learning in a new era...
これから到来する Society 5.0 時代を見据え、文部科学省において、昨年 11 月に学校教 育の中核を担う教師を支え、その質を高めるツールとして先端技術を積極的に取り入れる こと等をまとめた「 時代の学びを支える先端技術のフル活用に向けて~柴山・学びの革 新プラン~」(以下「柴山・学びの革新プラン」という。)を公表した
Rapport national sur l’éducation 2021
L’avenir arrive parfois plus vite qu’on ne l’attendait : lorsqu’en 2019, conjointement avec le SCRIPT, nous avons défini les grands axes du rapport sur l’éducation, nous avions pour intention...
Realising the Potential of Technology in Education: A strategy for education providers and the...
We are living in a digitally enabled world where technology is increasingly part of our society. We owe it to our young people, and to anyone who wants to upskill, to do more to explore and reap the...
Recommendations for development and assessment of Digital Learning Tools (DLT)
Digitālie mācību līdzekļi un resursi (turpmāk – DML) ir digitāli radīti vai digitalizēti izglītības programmas īstenošanai un izglītības satura apguvei atbilstoši mācību līdzekļi un resursi, kas...
Reimagining Human Connections: Technology and Innovation in Education at the World Bank
The world is in the midst of a technological revolution. Students are not being adequately prepared to thrive in this rapidly changing world. Education systems, especially in low- and- middle-income...
Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education: 2017 national education technology plan update
In order to keep pace with the changes we are seeing in schools, districts, and states on an almost daily basis, we also need to change how often the National Education Technology Plan is updated....
Reimagining the Role of Technology in Higher Education. A supplement to the national education...
This Higher Education Supplement to the 2016 NETP builds on the principles described in each of the NETP’s five sections - learning, teaching, leadership, assessment, and infrastructure - and...
Report of Estonia's AI Taskforce
It is high time that we prepare a plan on how Estonia could benefit from artificial intelligence. After all, one of the challenges we are facing is making do with a decreasing number of working-age...
Repubblica Digitale (Digital Republic)
Il Ministro per l’Innovazione tecnologica e la digitalizzazione ha firmato il decreto di adozione della Strategia Nazionale per le Competenze Digitali. È la prima volta che l’Italia si dota di una...
S.1353 - Advancing American AI Act (117th Congress, 2021-2022)
Schools of the Future Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
This white paper is the outcome of a global consultative process initiated by the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society to identify promising models...
Shifting of Gears in Higher Education (Fokozatváltás a felsőoktatásban)
Transforming higher education is a complex task and also enormous responsibility, since its significance is undisputable both from social and economic aspects. We are standing at the beginning of...
Smart Education Technology: How It Might Transform Teaching (and Learning)
This article highlights the importance of digitalization as a societal trend for education and discusses how artificial intelligence and learning analytics are transforming (or have the potential to...
State-by-State Artificial Intelligence Legislation Tracker
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a transformative technology, rapidly changing how businesses and society operate. AI can be a tremendous force for good and a key driver of U.S. global...
Statewide Online Education Act
The Statewide Online Education Program is created to enable eligible students to earn high school graduation credit through the completion of publicly funded online courses. The Statewide Online...
Strategic action plan for artificial intelligence (Strategisch Actieplan voor Artificiële...
Artificiële intelligentie (AI) verandert de wereld ingrijpend. AI zal stevig bijdragen aan economische groei, welvaart en welzijn van Nederland. Ook zal het enorm helpen bij maatschappelijke...
Strategie digitální gramotnosti ČR na období 2015 - 2020 (Digital Literacy Strategy 2015-2020)
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) was established in 1990. It is responsible for social policy (e.g. people with disabilities, social services, social benefits, family policy),...
Strategy for Denmark’s Digital Growth
With this Strategy for Denmark’s Digital Growth, the Government is setting the direction as to how Denmark can seize the opportunities inherent in digital transformation, while creating jobs...
Strategy for the Education Policy of the Czech Republic up to 2030+
The implementation of Strategy 2030+ will lead to the creation and development of an open education system that responds to the changing external environment and provides relevant educational...
The Brookings glossary of AI and emerging technologies
An updated glossary of key terms in AI and emerging technologies. In the year since our Brookings Institution Press book, Turning Point: Policymaking in the Era of Artificial Intelligence was...
The Digital Israel National Initiative: The National Digital Program of the Government of Israel
The State of Israel is known as the “Start-up Nation”, yet only a small percentage of its population is a partner to this technological world. The aim of the National Digital Israel Initiative...
The Digital Transformation Guidelines 2021-2027 - Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia
The Digital Transformation of Education: Connecting schools, empowering learners
Education, the Internet and broadband connectivity have a tremendous potential to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges including the achievement of the Sustainable Development goals....
The digitalisation of Polish Education: Vision and proposals
The digitalisation of education is an essential and indispensable means to achieve the primary goal of education, namely the development and wellbeing of both students and teachers. It envisages,...
The Education Blockchain Initiative
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education and managed by the American Council on Education (ACE), this report summarizes the objectives of the Education Blockchain Initiative (EBI), the objectives...
The Ethical Framework for AI in Education
An overview of the applications of Al in education, outlined the risks and benefits posed by Al's use, and put forward a blueprint for an ethical framework, along with six overarching questions....
The State of Data 2020: Mapping a child's digital footprint across England's state education...
The State of Data Report provides a snapshot of the uses and abuses of children's data in school. Its rich findings will be of great help in tackling the inequities and intrusions that children...
Turkey's Education Vision 2023
An approach to education that unites democracy and the economy serves as the basic platform from which Turkey will launch and maintain its forward efforts in all areas.
UK Digital Strategy 2022
Digital technology has transformed our lives and will continue to do so. The UK’s economic future, jobs, wage levels, prosperity, national security, cost of living, productivity, ability to compete...
Este plan tiene como objetivo impulsar la digitalización en la educación superior, dotar de competencias digitales avanzadas al alumnado y fomentar las vocaciones digitales.
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