Education for a Changing World: Policy reform and innovation strategy
Education for a Changing World seeks to explore and influence the policies and reforms to ensure education best prepares young people to successfully navigate a more complex world and the future they face. There’s been much written about the profound impact that technological advances will have on the way we live and work. Developments in automation and new frontiers in artificial intelligence (AI) are predicted to fundamentally alter the nature of society and work by 2040. The kindergarten students who entered the school gate for the first time this year will be graduating 13 years later into a world profoundly altered by rapid and significant global trends. These students and the 8 million young people estimated to finish school over the next two decades will be the citizens and economic contributors of 2040. While it is difficult to imagine the world and the way we will work in 2040 and beyond, it is this world for which these students must be prepared.