It was time to get together again!The conference provided an opportunity for policy makers, academics and practitioners to gather and discuss how cities can be a vibrant place that supports their SMEs and entrepreneurs, what lessons can we take away from the COVID-19 pandemic for SME support, and what will the future hold for SMEs in cities.
About the conference
This conference brought together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to discuss ways in which policies, regulations and planning can help create an environment for thriving entrepreneurship and SMEs, while at the same time leveraging these entrepreneurs for local development. The agenda combined presentations of academic research with practical examples from different countries and cities. Every session allowed for open discussion with all participants and long hospitality breaks provided room to exchange bilaterally with the speakers and other participants.
The event was in-person respecting all COVID-19-related health guidelines by the Italian authorities. For those unable to join in person, a live streaming of the event was available. The main event language was English. Italian/English interpretation was available onsite for in-person participants.
Discover more on this event, the OECD and the ILO
The conference series on SMEs and the Urban Fabric
What makes a city a thriving hub for entrepreneurship and growth? How do SMEs and entrepreneurs contribute to the attractiveness of cities?
More on the 2019 editionThese two questions underpin the conference series on SMEs and the Urban Fabric. SMEs and entrepreneurs can benefit from well-functioning, well designed and well planned cities, the same way these cities and their neighbourhoods can benefit from local entrepreneurs and SMEs that create jobs, but also authenticity, charm, social integration and social connections.
However, not all environments are conducive for a dynamic business community. It is therefore crucial to understand how economic policies, business regulation, land use and urban planning can help SMEs and entrepreneurs thrive and integrate into the community, promote healthy business dynamics while also create attractive and liveable places.
Recent OECD flagships reports
The OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2021 brings new evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and policy responses on SMEs and entrepreneurs and reflects on longer-term issues, such as SME indebtedness or the role of SMEs in more resilient supply chains or in innovation diffusion.
The 2021 edition of the OECD Regional Outlook shows that a place-based approach is vital for resilience in the face of the challenges posed by COVID-19 and the “net zero” transition.
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 examines how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship.
Recent ILO flagship reports
The report addresses the knowledge gap concerning micro and small enterprises (MSEs) globally and their ability to use digital technologies (email, mobile applications, cloud computing and so on) to increase productivity.
Drawing on a new ILO database, this report provides an up-to-date and realistic assessment of the global contribution of self-employment and micro- and small enterprises to employment – both in the formal and the informal economy.
Recent OECD thematic work on cities, regions and rural areas
Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions (2022)
Innovation and Data Use in Cities - A Road to Increased Well-being (2021)
More OECD urban sudiesInnovation and Data Use in Cities - A Road to Increased Well-being (2021)