Social Policy Ministerial Meeting and High-Level Policy Forum


Francesca Bastagli

Fondazione Agnelli

Head of Research and Policy

Francesca is Head of Research at Fondazione Agnelli, a non-profit social sciences research institute focusing on education and evidence-based policy. She has over 25 years’ experience in research and policy advisory work, as well as in team, programme and project management. Prior to joining Fondazione Agnelli, she was Director, Equity and Social Policy, at the global think tank ODI (2012-2023). She has also held positions at the LSE's Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (2007-2012) and the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Group (2001-2004). She holds a PhD (2004-2008) and MSc in Public Policy from the LSE and a Laurea in Economics from Bocconi University. Current projects: education inequalities; learning poverty and policy; early childhood education and care; technology, teaching and learning; vocational and professional education; skills and world of work; just transitions.