OECD COP29 Virtual Pavilion


Aldo Ravazzi Douvan

Italian Ministry of Environment & Energy Security - Sogesid TA

Chief Economist at DG Global, EU Affairs & Sustainable Finance


Aldo Ravazzi Douvan is a chief economist at DG Global, EU Affairs & Sustainable Finance, Ministry of Environment & Energy Security in Italy. He is also president of OECD WPFIEG (sustainable finance) and Vice-President EPOC (Environmental Policies Committee); IRP Steering committee member; IPCC observer; UNFCCC Cop Delegate. EAERE Policy Committee Member and IAERE cofounder, he teaches Sustainable Development, Energy & Climate, at University Roma LUISS, and Environmental Global Governance, at Roma Tor Vergata. He received the GCET Award 2022 for Environmental Taxation for the “significant contribution to the advancement of environmental taxation and other economic instruments in research and policy”.

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