Online conference: Towards an effective and equitable digital education ecosystem


Matti Lattu

Matriculation Examination Board, Finland

Senior Specialist


Matti is currently working at Matriculation Examination Board, Finland, as a product owner. The board is a government organisation arranging biannually a high stakes final exam for Finnish upper secondary students. The results of the exam are used also for university student selection. With his colleagues Matti is steering the development of Abitti, the digital examination platform used in the matriculation examination, as well as administrative IT systems to carry out the examination process. Matti is a originally primary teacher, his doctoral thesis was on physically open learning environments, and he is a docent at the University of Helsinki. He has a 20-year experience in leading organisational change in expert organisations. Matti's first computer was VIC 20 and so far he has been programming with more that dozen languages.

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