Digital Ministerial

High-level Panel: Launching the OECD Recommendations on Digital Security

Dec 14, 2022 | 12:30 PM GMT - 1:00 PM GMT


Today, cyberattacks have economic and social impacts: businesses and individuals lose money, supply chains are disrupted, trade and state secrets are stolen, hospitals are paralysed, individuals’ privacy is breached. While governments need policies that strengthen digital security to foster trust, resilience, competitiveness and growth, cybersecurity is often only viewed as a technical, national security, or criminal law enforcement matter. In this session, panellists will highlight how countries can use the new OECD Recommendations on digital security (scheduled to be adopted by Council on 26 September) to build safer digital societies and economies, including to enhance digital security in the supply chain, foster security by design in software and other products, and encourage cybersecurity innovation.

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