OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Local structures at the centre: What can industry-wide grievance mechanisms do to (better) strengthen them?

Feb 13, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM


Organised by: Fair Wear, The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles and amfori When human rights violations occur in supply chains, rights-holders and their legitimate representatives must be able to access grievance redress, either through local or industry-wide systems. This session will explore the relationship between such local and industry-wide grievance mechanisms, with a particular focus on how local systems for grievance redress can be supported and empowered by industry-wide mechanisms. What should the interaction between these systems look like and how can local and international systems work together more effectively in order to ensure better remedy for the rights-holder(s)? Join us for a moderated panel discussion with representatives from a local CSO, a global trade union, a local business association and a garment brand to gain deeper insights into this important topic. More information and registration

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