OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

OECD Forum Agenda

  • All session times reflect your computer's local time zone. 
  • All Forum sessions will take place at the OECD Conference Centre, 2 Rue André Pascal, Paris. 
  • All of the main Forum sessions that are viewable online will be recorded and available for replay on the Forum website. On-site only sessions will not be available for replay.
  • All sessions marked as 'partner-led sessions' are organised by partners and may not reflect the views of the OECD. 
  • French interpretation is available on some sessions. Please check the session description.
  • Badges can be picked up from 8am at the OECD entrance pavilion.


1 : February 11, 2025
07:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:15
Welcome and opening remarks
French interpretation available.
09:15 - 10:00
Making mandatory due diligence legislation work in the sector
What’s at stake for due diligence practice in the garment and footwear sector in the context of emerging mandatory due diligence expectations? Speakers will discuss key opportunities, themes and challenges, setting the scene for the three focus sessions that follow. French interpretation available.
10:00 - 11:15
Increasing sector capacity to measure responsible purchasing practices
With responsible purchasing practices an expectation of companies in due diligence legislation, there is an opportunity to build on a decade of learning and practice and make responsible purchasing practices a hallmark of the sector. However, is the sector ready? Panellists will discuss this through the lens of measuring progress on purchasing practices: what will it take to move towards common metrics and monitoring approaches to build greater transparency, comparability and overall uptake of company practice in this area? French interpretation available.
11:15 - 13:00
11:30 - 12:45
PARTNER-LED SESSION Access to remedy: pathways to restorative justice for garment workers (on-site only)
Organised by Leigh Day This session is led by a partner organisation and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

Workers in the global garment and footwear industry often face severe exploitation, including unlawful labour practices, gender-based violence, and exposure to hazardous conditions. The panellists centre the experiences of these workers in the fight for justice. The discussion will explore the themes that lead to human rights litigation, how workers can enforce their rights and secure remedies, and the implementation of community-focused restorative justice measures. The session seeks to identify impactful strategies to empower workers and their communities. Please note that this session will not be livestreamed.
13:00 - 14:30
Responsible disengagement – deciding when and knowing how
While disengagement is presented as an action of last resort, the Garment & Footwear Guidance risk modules give examples where immediate disengagement may be necessary. Recent events and the inclusion of expectations on responsible disengagement in due diligence legislation make it timely to clarify OECD recommendations on this topic. Panellists will explore this with reference to practical scenarios. French interpretation available.
14:30 - 15:15
15:15 - 16:45
From promise to progress: Approaches to verify, monitor, and validate companies’ actions to prevent and mitigate harm
Companies are expected to evaluate their responses to prioritised risks and adverse impacts, yet many struggle to monitor progress and assess whether their actions effectively prevent and mitigate harm. Panellists will discuss a range of methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of whether risks and impacts are being effectively addressed, including how workers' perspectives can be integrated more meaningfully. The session will also explore how policymakers can set expectations on effective monitoring and validation in due diligence law. French interpretation available.
17:00 - 19:00


2 : February 12, 2025
07:30 - 09:30
Morning Coffee
08:00 - 09:00
PARTNER-LED SESSION Voices unfiltered: what garment workers and producers really need for EU due diligence implementation (on-site only)
Organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – The Netherlands, Fair Wear Foundation, CNV Internationaal & Mondiaal FNV This session is led by partner organisations and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

This in-person side session will explore the evolving landscape of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) in the garment and footwear sector, with a focus on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). We will present preliminary findings from a Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs-funded program, led by CNV Internationaal, Mondiaal FNV, and Fair Wear Foundation, highlighting insights from interviews and trainings with local stakeholders—including trade unions, employers' organizations, and governments in production countries. The discussion will explore how the CSDDD is reshaping HRDD in global supply chains, driving progress on living wages and decent work. Join us to share your ideas, reflect on policy recommendations, and contribute to shaping fairer global supply chains. To participate, please register here Please note that this session will not be livestreamed.
08:00 - 09:15
PARTNER-LED SESSION Weaving the future of diverse and inclusive garment and footwear sector in Asia: in conversation with Pakistan and Cambodia
Organised by GIZ Pakistan and CARE Cambodia This session is led by partner organisations and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

The session spotlights the Garment and Footwear (GF) sectors in Pakistan and Cambodia, exploring strategies to promote diversity, inclusion and human rights due diligence. Bringing the theme of non-discrimination and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) at the heart of discussion, participants will hear directly from supplier factories and experts in gender and disability inclusion regarding context specific challenges and best practices in this domain. By fostering collaboration across sectors, the session aims to inspire actionable steps toward a more responsible business conduct in global supply chains. To participate, please register here
09:30 - 11:00
Measuring due diligence and its impacts: lessons learned, future steps
This session will draw lessons from recent empirical research on the uptake and impact of due diligence in the sector, and present the OECD's new monitoring and evaluation framework for the garment & footwear sector. Discussants will share recent empirical research as well as key analysis that could be developed to deploy the framework and how different user groups can use the framework going forward.
09:30 - 11:00
Union and worker engagement in practice - a workshop
This roundtable will bring together companies and trade unions representatives to discuss and promote a common understanding of engagement expectations under the Garment Guidance, specifically focusing on engaging worker representatives and trade unions on labor rights issues. The session will explore current best practices and discuss strategies for overcoming common challenges. Participants will also look at how to leverage stakeholder engagement requirements in due diligence laws to build capacity, avoiding tick-box approaches and bottlenecks in the process. More speakers to be confirmed.
11:00 - 12:30
11:00 - 12:15
PARTNER-LED SESSION How addressing business practices and gender norms in global garment supply chains can help tackle gender based violence and harassment (on-site only)
Organised by RISE (Reimagining Industry to Support Equality) This session is led by a partner organisation and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

In recent years, gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the garment industry has received increased recognition amid growing awareness of the problem as a broader societal issue. GBVH is rooted in unequal gender norms and exacerbated by structural factors that increase women’s risk while also preventing reporting and prosecution. This session will explore how to enable an industry collective effort to tackle GBVH, starting with understanding structural factors and the root causes of GBVH, focusing on business practices and gender norms. In particular, the session will discuss the links between business practices and the immediate GBVH risks that women workers face. The panel will also address the importance of meaningful collaboration between brands, suppliers, women’s organizations, workers’ organizations, trade unions, and other stakeholders to collectively address GBVH in garment supply chains, including by identifying risks and focusing on prevention and remediation. Please note that this workshop will not be livestreamed.
12:30 - 14:00
Establishing due diligence processes with circular economy actors – a spotlight on recyclers
This roundtable will focus on the important role recyclers can play in increasing transparency and supporting due diligence on recycled material feedstock. It will build on last year’s forum session on circular systems which looked at ways to engage actors across the circular value chain through examples from post-production and post-consumer stages, and draw on learnings in the sector and the OECD’s draft frequently asked questions paper on due diligence for circular processes in the sector.
12:30 - 14:00
Learnings from OECD alignment assessments in the garment & footwear sector
The different roles that sustainability initiatives can play in supporting and assessing companies on their due diligence are likely to come further into focus as companies look to demonstrate their performance and build on supply chain tools in the context of mandatory due diligence. The session will present the OECD’s recent learnings across two full and five standards-only alignment assessments of sustainability initiatives operating in the sector. Participants will then be invited to reflect on the learnings in groups through a workshop format. Please note that only the panel discussion (40 mins) will be livestreamed.
14:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:00
Due diligence scenarios workshop (on-site only)
This workshop session offers participants an opportunity to develop an increased understanding of due diligence through exploring a number of prepared scenarios drawing from key due diligence themes and sector contexts. It will allow industry representatives and stakeholders to exchange experience on carrying out risk-based due diligence and reflect on learnings from the forum. Please note that this workshop will not be livestreamed.
14:30 - 16:00
Insights from MENA and Türkiye: exploring buyer-supplier collaborative approaches
The OECD conducted a training programme for garment and footwear businesses sourcing from or producing in the MENA & Türkiye region. This session will reflect on training outcomes, examine how businesses are applying learnings in their operations, and will explore different ways buyers and suppliers collaborate in order to support effective implementation of responsible business conduct. French interpretation available.
14:30 - 15:30
PARTNER-LED SESSION Unlocking win-win through supply chain industrial relations (on-site only)
Organised by ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation) This session is led by a partner organisation and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

The session will explore the supply chain industrial relations framework which enabled employers, trade unions and global brands in Cambodia to establish the first collective bargaining agreements on wages supported by legally-binding brand agreements on commercial commitments. The panel will explore how supply chain industrial relations connect national-level collective bargaining with brand purchasing practices to enable predictable, transparent and scalable improvement of wages and working conditions in garment supply chains, while at the same time supporting productivity increases and delivering cutting-edge due diligence implementation for brands and suppliers. Facilitated through the ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation) programme in Cambodia, the innovative supply chain collaboration demonstrates a groundbreaking blueprint for effectively addressing the systemic challenge of wages within competitive pressure in the global garment industry. Please note that this workshop will not be livestreamed.