OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

PARTNER-LED SESSION How addressing business practices and gender norms in global garment supply chains can help tackle gender based violence and harassment (on-site only)

Feb 12, 2025 | 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM



Organised by RISE (Reimagining Industry to Support Equality) This session is led by a partner organisation and may not reflect the views of the OECD.

In recent years, gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the garment industry has received increased recognition amid growing awareness of the problem as a broader societal issue. GBVH is rooted in unequal gender norms and exacerbated by structural factors that increase women’s risk while also preventing reporting and prosecution. This session will explore how to enable an industry collective effort to tackle GBVH, starting with understanding structural factors and the root causes of GBVH, focusing on business practices and gender norms. In particular, the session will discuss the links between business practices and the immediate GBVH risks that women workers face. The panel will also address the importance of meaningful collaboration between brands, suppliers, women’s organizations, workers’ organizations, trade unions, and other stakeholders to collectively address GBVH in garment supply chains, including by identifying risks and focusing on prevention and remediation. Please note that this workshop will not be livestreamed.

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