Exploring New Frontiers of Citizen Participation in the Policy Cycle
Discussion paper provides a common frame of reference, sets out shared challenges and offers key questions for discussion to prompt a new strategic approach to citizen participation in the policy cycle.
Launched at the 2022 OECD Global Forum and Ministerial on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy, the OECD’s Reinforcing Democracy Initiative provides evidence-based guidance and good international practices to help countries reinforce democratic values and institutions.
Lancée lors du Forum mondial et réunion ministérielle de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique - Instaurer la confiance et renforcer la démocratie, l'Initiative de l'OCDE pour renforcer la d��mocratie fournit des orientations fondées sur des données probantes et de bonnes pratiques internationales pour aider les pays à renforcer les valeurs et les institutions démocratiques.
Facts not Fakes: Tackling Disinformation, Strengthening Information Integrity
Rising disinformation has far-reaching consequences in many policy areas ranging from public health to national security. It can cast doubt on factual evidence, jeopardise the implementation of public policies and undermine people's trust in the integrity of democratic institutions. This report explores how to respond to these challenges and reinforce democracy.
The OECD Global Roundtables on Access to Justice support countries in closing the remaining gaps in accessibility, effectiveness and efficiency of justice, by identifying and fostering exchange of good practices and experiences in enhancing access to justice from both citizen and business perspectives.
OECD.AI combines resources from across the OECD, partners and stakeholder groups to create a one-stop-shop for AI policymakers. At the heart of its work is the OECD.AI Network of Experts.
OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI)
Founded in 2011 based on the growing need for governments to adopt new approaches to address society’s complex problems, OPSI works to move beyond the “status quo”.
We work with governments, academia, industry and global NGOs and civil society to provide cutting-edge public sector innovation support and guidance. We track innovation efforts around the globe and provide a global forum and knowledge hub for shared learning.
Innovative Citizen Participation explores the innovative ways that governments can effectively engage with citizens and stakeholders to source ideas, co-create solutions, and tackle complex policy problems.
Enquête de l’OCDE sur les déterminants de la confiance dans les institutions publiques
La deuxième enquête de l'OCDE sur les déterminants de la confiance dans les institutions publiques, lancée en juillet 2024, examine comment les attentes et les expériences des individus en matière d'interactions quotidiennes avec les pouvoirs publics et de prises de décisions complexes influencent leur confiance dans les institutions publiques.
Open government is a powerful catalyst for driving democracy, public trust, and inclusive growth. In recognition of this, the OECD Council adopted the Recommendation on Open Government in 2017.