2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy

Event Agenda


1 : October 21, 2024
06:30 - 07:15
Registration & welcome coffee
Foyer Auditorium Testori
07:15 - 08:00
Session 1: Opening Remarks
(Auditorium Testori)
08:00 - 09:15
Session 2: Keynote Dialogue : Post 2024 – What next for Democracy?
(Auditorium Testori)
09:15 - 09:45
Coffee Break
Foyer Auditorium Testori
09:45 - 11:00
Session 3: Trust and the resilience of our democracies – New evidence and the way forward
(Auditorium Testori) In the current context, strengthening trust is a priority for all governments. Successive global crises in recent years have tested confidence in government, and information ecosystems are being further challenged with rising mis and dis information and the use of generative AI. At the same time, unmet rising citizen expectations around participation and representation, and concerns around integrity continue to drive lower trust. The 2023 OECD Trust Survey delivers new evidence on the various ways governments can strengthen trust. This session will take stock of the evolution of trust in public institutions and discuss concrete actions governments can take in the future.
11:00 - 12:30
Lunch Break
12:30 - 13:30
Session 4: Making peoples’ voices count: Reinforcing representative democracy through meaningful citizen participation
(Auditorium Testori) Engaging citizens in public policy making has evolved from a novelty to an established field of practice over the past decades. This doesn’t mean that we are doing it well. While successive results of the OECD Trust Survey show that meaningful citizen engagement needs to be further developed, governments have not yet found the right balance between traditional representative mechanisms and direct citizen engagement. This session will offer an opportunity to review countries’ experiences and will discuss how to move forward with more meaningful and measurable citizen participation, including through new tools such as AI. It will also include a deep dive into citizen engagement in the context of the climate transition.
13:45 - 14:45
Session 5: Growing apart? Women, Men, Youth and Democracy
(Auditorium Testori) Data shows growing divides along gender, education and age lines when it comes to democracy and trust in institutions. In countries as diverse as Germany, the Republic of Korea, Tunisia and the United States this gap is a growing phenomenon. But what does this mean?
13:45 - 14:45
Session 6: Unlocking citizen satisfaction with public services
(Sala Marco Biagi) Better informed citizens now expect public services to meet the standards that inclusive societies require and new technologies can provide. This session will explore successful government experiences in meeting people's expectations for quality, accessible and tailored services. From enhancing user experiences to transforming service delivery using AI, the session will provide cutting-edge insights and discuss how to implement the new OECD Recommendation on Human-centric Public Administrative Services.
14:45 - 15:15
Coffee Break
Foyer Auditorium Testori
15:15 - 16:15
Session 7: Engaging Citizens in the Green Transition
(Sala Solesin) Successfully addressing climate change and other environmental goals is a challenge for democratic governments – they need to show that they are fit to handle long-term, complex, interconnected and systemic challenges, manage difficult trade-offs and achieve wider well-being outcomes. None of this can be done without the understanding and acceptance of citizens. This parallel session will take an in-depth look at the range of concrete actions required to bring citizens on board with the green transition.
15:15 - 16:15
Session 8: The new frontier for the Rule of Law and Access to Justice
(Auditorium Testori) The rule of law and access to justice are foundational pillars for democratic governance – essential for the protection of human rights, law enforcement and the overall functioning of democratic societies. This session will highlight innovative strategies and collaborative efforts to strengthen a people-centered rule of law and enhance access to justice globally.
15:15 - 16:15
Session 9: Strengthening democratic governance in European Eastern Partnership
(Annex to Sala Marco Biagi) This parallel session will discuss the achievements and challenges of re-building and strengthening democratic governance systems, the importance of resilient public institutions, and the impact of Russia's on-going war of aggression for the future of democracy in the European Eastern Partnership Region.
16:15 - 18:00
Forum Reception
Auditorium Testori


2 : October 22, 2024
06:00 - 07:00
Launch Africa Governance Platform (by invitation only)
(Annex Sala Marco Biagi, 1st floor) Please register your interest to join this meeting via AfricaGovernancePlatform@oecd.org (attendance is subject to room capacity)
06:30 - 07:00
Welcome Coffee
Foyer Auditorium Testori
07:15 - 08:30
Session 10: Governing with AI – Strengthening the case for democracy
(Auditorium Testori) AI can be a powerful tool for public institutions. This session will discuss how AI can transform the way governments design and deliver policies and public services to meet evolving societal needs and put people at the centre. It will draw on ongoing OECD work on AI implementation in the public sector to ensure the trustworthiness of AI supported by solid data infrastructure and data governance. Participants will also discuss the responsibilities and risks associated with AI in public governance, proposing strategies for citizens.
08:30 - 09:00
Coffee Break
Foyer Auditorium Testori
09:00 - 09:30
Session 11: High-level launch: Going Global with Information Integrity - the OECD Recommendation on Information Integrity
(Auditorium Testori)
09:30 - 11:00
Session 12: Collective action to tackle disinformation
(Auditorium Testori) Informed individuals are the foundation of democratic debate and society. In a fast-moving information landscape re-shaped by digitalisation and AI, strengthening the integrity of information spaces and combatting disinformation is a key pillar of the OECD Reinforcing Democracy Initiative. This session will provide an opportunity for a multi-stakeholder discussion on moving forward with the Standard on Information Integrity and opportunities to expand global engagement in this area. Discussions will also draw on the 2024 OECD Report “Facts not fakes: Tackling disinformation, strengthening information integrity”.
11:00 - 12:30
Lunch Break
12:30 - 13:30
Session 13: Building resilience to foreign interference in open societies
(Auditorium Testori) Foreign interference activities are testing institutions in well-established democracies. This closed Global Roundtable will discuss the complex foreign interference phenomena and its implications for the resilience of open societies. Discussions will build on the OECD Action Plan on Stronger Open Democracies in a Globalised World.
13:30 - 14:00
Coffee Break
Foyer Auditorium Testori
14:00 - 15:00
Session 14: Global High-Level Dialogue – Moving together
(Auditorium Testori) In a globalised world, both democratic content and discontent, and some of the factors that shape them, transcend borders. Reinforcing democracy cannot be achieved by one government alone. This session will bring together policymakers from all regions of the world to discuss how to together break new ground for reinforcing democracy.
15:00 - 15:30
Session 15: Closing Remarks and Looking Ahead: Global Forum 2026
(Auditorium Testori)