2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy

Session 4: Making peoples’ voices count: Reinforcing representative democracy through meaningful citizen participation

Oct 21, 2024 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Auditorium Testori


(Auditorium Testori, English/French interpretation, available via Livestream) Engaging citizens in public policy and decision making has evolved from a novelty to an established field of practice over the past decades. This doesn’t mean that we are doing it well enough to meet the growing and evolving expectations of citizens in the digital age. Successive results of the OECD Trust Survey show that citizens feel that their voices are not heard, indicating that meaningful citizen engagement still needs to be further developed. Governments have not yet found the right balance between traditional representative mechanisms and participatory and deliberative processes. This session will offer an opportunity to review countries’ experiences and will discuss how the OECD can support them in pursuing more meaningful and measurable citizen participation processes beyond elections, including through the use of emerging civic technologies and artificial intelligence.

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