2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy


Paul- Joel Kamtchang


Secretaire Executif


Mr. Kamtchang Paul-Joël is the Executive Secretary of ADISI-Cameroun, a civil society organization under Cameroonian law. It promotes access to information and open data in Cameroon in particular and in Central and French-speaking Africa in general. He is also the founder and editorial coordinator of the pure player #Datacameroon, a site promoting DataJournalism and Investigative Journalism. He is also the founder and editorial coordinator of the pure player Data-Check.org, a site promoting fact-checking and researching disinformation. Since the end of 2023, he has been one of the #OECD's experts on disinformation and information integrity, and is also an expert for several international organizations on data and data journalism, including the International Center for Journalism (ICFJ) based in the USA, CFI-Medias in France, and assists the High Council for Communication (HCC) of the Central African Republic in setting up a monitoring unit on disinformation. He is also an associate trainer of Data journalism in the communications department of the University of Douala in Cameroon and at EJICOM in Dakar, Senegal. During his fellowship (April-July 2021) at the NED Center for Democratic Studies based in Washington DC, Mr. Kamtchang studied how access to information and public data can be used to combat kleptocracy in Central Africa, hence his first essay “Kleptocracy and Open Data in Central Africa” and “Disinformation in Francophone Africa” scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2025. He is finally classified by the OGP among the Voices and Figure of Open Government in Africa.

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