International Forum for Migration Statistics 2025

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The Forum in 2025 will be organized around the following six broad themes:
Improving the availability, timeliness and accuracy of statistics on international migration and migrants to enable implementation of the new UN recommendations on migration statistics and expanded use of administrative data and innovation. 
- Formulating data solutions to promote regular migration pathways while ensuring balanced narrative and combatting disinformation about migration.
- Strengthening data to support socioeconomic integration and inclusion of migrants and their children.
- Foresight and forecasting on migration to strengthen anticipatory action and longer-term preparedness.
- Fostering greater cooperation and partnerships on migration statistics, including on measuring progress towards global commitments.
- Building national capacities on new migration statistics approaches and international reforms, with particular emphasis on practical tools, effective practices, and trainings designed for sustainable impact. 

To prepare the Programme of IFMS 2025, the organizing institutions call for proposals for parallel sessions and individual papers related to the above topics. Innovative submissions that do not fit into any of the above themes are also welcome.

The Forum will take place over three days, with a mix of plenary and parallel sessions. It is expected that there may be around 500 in-person participants with some hybrid sessions to ensure an inclusive approach. Plenary sessions will be livestreamed and with likely interpretation in French and English. 

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