International Forum for Migration Statistics 2025


Diego Iturralde


Diego Iturralde is Chief Director: Demography and Population Statistics at Statistics South Africa where his role includes the production of population estimates, demographic research outputs as well as production of migration indicators. He holds a MA in Sociology (Pretoria), M.Phil. Regional Science (Stellenbosch) and Post Grad Diploma in Demography and Population Studies (Wits). His interests lie in population dynamics, public health as well as migration and development. He is an advisor to the IOM-GMDAC, former co-chair of the UN expert group on International Migration Statistics as well as member of the Specialised Technical Group on International Migration of the African Union. He is also a part of the IDAC initiative with UNICEF, IOM and OECD where he chairs a working group in this regard. Most recently, Mr Iturralde was responsible for the establishment of a national migration and urbanisation forum in South Africa which will aim to bring various role players in this space together for the purpose of exchanging evidence in order to inform policy and manage migration more effectively. In 2022, Mr Iturralde was appointed to the IUSSP panel on international migration.