2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy


Camila Vallejo


Minister Secretary General of Government


Geographer from the University of Chile. In 2021, she began a Master’s in Government, Public Policy, and Territories at Alberto Hurtado University, which she had to pause to take the role of Minister Secretary General of Government in the cabinet of President Gabriel Boric Font. Her political career began in 2006 as a member of the Communist Youth, the same year she started her university studies. In 2010, she was elected President of the University of Chile Student Federation (FECh), and in 2011, she became Vice President of the student organization. During these years, along with other student leaders, including the current President of the Republic, they led the university movement that fought to end profit in education and advance free higher education. In 2013, she was elected as a member of Congress for the 2014-2018 term representing District 26 in the Metropolitan Region, which included the district where she was born and raised. In 2017, Camila Vallejo was re-elected to District 12 for the 2018-2022 term. Part of her parliamentary work focused on promoting educational initiatives such as free higher education, comprehensive sexual education, and mental health support. Additionally, she pushed for initiatives aimed at ending gender violence, which later became laws of the Republic. One of Minister Vallejo’s main concerns is working families, and as a member of Congress, she led the project to reduce the workweek to 40 hours. This legislative initiative was approved by a broad majority in 2023, allowing for better work-life balance. Since leading the Ministry of the General Secretariat of Government, a role she has held since March 11, 2022, Minister Vallejo spearheaded the organization of World Press Freedom Day 2024 and created the Expert Commission against Disinformation. This commission produced two reports with guidelines and recommendations to combat the issue of disinformation. Additionally, the Minister has promoted passing bills in Congress, including protecting journalists and communication workers, and the modernization of the National Television of Chile (TVN), the country’s only public channel.

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