Investment Treaty Conference 2025

Key Resources

Conference Background

Conference background document

This document sets out the context and background for the event, including COP28, the Paris Agreement and the Global Stocktake
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First Global Stocktake of implementation of the Paris Agreement (Dec. 2023)

The Stocktake assessed global progress on the full scope of climate issues to date. It provides direction for countries’ next round of climate commitments. Most notably, it calls for a "transition away from fossil fuels” and a tripling of renewable energy capacity by 2030, following intensive negotiations.  
Read the strategy

Discussion Papers

Session 3 discussion paper

This secretariat note and its annexes set out for discussion sample investment treaty provisions that would eliminate or reduce investment treaty protection benefits for fossil fuels, and help achieve the effective implementation of the Stocktake goals. The Secretariat will present the paper and it will be discussed in the third session of the Conference. 
Read the paper

Session 4 discussion paper

A paper by two academic contributors to the 2022 OECD public consultation (Joshua Paine and Elizabeth Sheargold) has further developed their proposals for a climate policy carve-out for investment treaties. It will be discussed in session 4.  
Read the paper

Survey of Climate Policies for Investment Treaties

Survey of climate policies for investment treaties: Power point overview of responses (2023)

See the key results of the first-ever survey on Climate Policies for Investment Treaties. The survey casts light on the steps governments are taking, or considering, to align their investment treaty networks with the Paris Agreement and net zero objectives
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Survey of climate policies for investment treaties: Note summarising responses

This Secretariat note provides detailed information on the responses to the survey.
Read the summary

Survey of climate policies for investment treaties: Survey questions

See all of the questions in the survey.
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Learn more about Investment treaties and the Paris Agreement

2015 Paris Agreement

Article 2 of the Paris Agreement notably sets out temperature goals and the aim to align finance flows with a low-carbon pathway.
Read the Agreement

Investment treaties and climate change: The Alignment of finance flows under the Paris Agreement

This paper addresses align investment treaties with the Paris Agreement and Net Zero, with particular regard to art. 2.1c of the Paris Agreement.  
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Public Consultation on Investment Treaties and Climate Change

Read the 40+ contributions to the OECD public consultation with analysis and policy recommendations for investment treaty policies to help address climate change.  
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2023 Investment Treaty Conference

The 2023 OECD Conference on investment treaties and the climate crisis included discussions with climate scientists; and businesses and government agencies engaged in efforts to align with the Paris Agreement. It also featured exchanges over policy options to align the incentives generated by investment treaties with the Paris Agreement and climate goals.
Access the webpage and see videos of the sessions

Market access for climate-friendly investment and  climate policies on alignment of investment protection

This paper first considers investment treaties and market access for  climate-friendly investment. It also describes, recent high-level climate policy developments on the sectoral scope of investment treaty coverage and alignment with the Paris Agreement in relation to the Energy Charter Treaty.
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