Investment Treaty Conference 2025


Juan Felipe Bernal Uribe

Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism

Chief Negotiator


Juan Felipe Bernal is the Chief Negotiator of the Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. He is an economist from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana with a master’s and Ph.D. in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics in France. His expertise spans economic policy, foreign investment and intellectual property. He held key advisory roles at Colombia’s National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) before joining the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism. His academic career includes teaching positions at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad del Pacífico (Peru), and Sciences Po Toulouse (France). From 2019 to 2022, he was the founding director of the Ph.D. in Economics program at Javeriana and led the Economic Policy research group. He has received multiple academic distinctions, including top honors during his studies and research scholarships from the French government and Université Toulouse I Capitole.

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